Life Hacks
Posts about
thinking, doing, and being better
while I’m busy figuring it out.
What gets you up in the morning?
What gets you up in the morning? Not your alarm. Or your kids. Or anything else like that. Think of what draws you into the world to begin your day.
My 10 Guiding Principles (For Personal Decision Making)
A more personal post where I overview the 10 principles I've developed over time to help guide my decision making. I'd always had random ideas on principles to use to determine the actions I take but formalized a list in 2016. It's evolved ever since then. I'd encourage you to write a preliminary list of your own principles before continuing to read this post. There are no guidelines or rules for developing your own. The only characteristic of your guiding principles that matters, in my view, is that they are true to you.
The 5 Best Ways To Be More Productive In 2021
Find out the 5 best ways to be productive that you can implement today. Productivity is something that can be improved and I've provided the formula to do that. Production happens when thoughts, ideas, information, and knowledge (inputs) leave the mind and turn into something else through actions (output). The output can be in the form of words on a page, an edited photo, a new home, or anything else being created. These creations provide value for yourself and others.
Improve Your Focus With 6 Actionable Ideas
Focus is a learnable skill. Channeling your thoughts and actions to one activity can dramatically improve your productivity. If you’ve watched the movie Limitless you’ll have seen this narrative dramatized. Focused work is attention to one activity for an extended period of time. There are three related terms tossed around for this topic.