March 2023 Lessons – Discover Your Gift

March_2023_Lessons - Discover Your Gift - Present at centre of X marks the spot

Each month I keep a list of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and insights that I come across and find interesting. From this list I've selected 5 to share with you:

  1. "The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away." — David Viscott
  2. "Growth is driven by compounding, which always takes time. Destruction is driven by single points of failure, which can happen in seconds, and loss of confidence, which can happen in an instant." - Source: The Psychology of Money
  3. “Step off the superhighway of modern life and go quietly onto your own track.  Go to a new trail where you can hear the whisper of your wild self in the echoes of the forest.  Find the trail of something wild and dangerous and worthy of your fear and joy and focus.  Live deeply on your own inner guidance. There is nothing more healing than finding your gifts and sharing them. “ A Lion Trackers Guide to Life page 122
  4. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.” - Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
  5. Sometimes, when we’re terrified of embracing our true calling, we’ll pursue a shadow calling instead. The shadow career is a metaphor for our real career. Its shape is similar, its contours feel tantalizingly the same. But a shadow career entails no real risk. If we fail at a shadow career, the consequences are meaningless to us. Are you pursuing a shadow career? Are you getting your Ph.D. in Elizabethan Studies because you’re afraid to write the tragedies and comedies you know you have inside you? Are you living the drugs-and-booze half of the musician’s life, without actually writing the music? Are you working in a support capacity for an innovator because you’re afraid to risk being an innovator yourself? If you’re dissatisfied with your current life, ask yourself what your current life is a metaphor for. That metaphor will point you toward your true calling. - Steven Pressfield

Let me know which thought you enjoyed the most this month.

I appreciate you.


My thoughts are subject to change and I will get some things wrong. I promise to keep learning and strive to do better. I am by no means an expert on any topic I may discuss so always do your own research. I try to keep an open mind. If I can teach you something and also learn something from you then I'm doing what I set out to do. Thanks for reading. These are just some thoughts.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou